Restoring the Dyfi

Adfer Dyfi is an innovative set of projects designed to improve the protected habitat of the Afon Dyfi for biodiversity and next generations as part of the Pennal 2050 ambition.

Restoring the Dyfi

Adfer Dyfi is an innovative set of projects designed to improve the protected habitat of the Afon Dyfi for biodiversity and next generations as part of the Pennal 2050 ambition.

Restoring the Dyfi

Adfer Dyfi is an innovative set of projects designed to improve the protected habitat of the Afon Dyfi for biodiversity and next generations as part of the Pennal 2050 ambition.

Restoring the Dyfi

Adfer Dyfi is an innovative set of projects designed to improve the protected habitat of the Afon Dyfi for biodiversity and next generations as part of the Pennal 2050 ambition.

Restoring the Dyfi

Adfer Dyfi is an innovative set of projects designed to improve the protected habitat of the Afon Dyfi for biodiversity and next generations as part of the Pennal 2050 ambition.

Adfer Dyfi Restore will enable farmer-led and partner actions on the protected sites of the Afon Dyfi and their ecological networks as well as the wider catchment that supports it. The project will follow the principles of the sustainable management of nature resources as well as provide actions that our local communities can take part in and enjoy.

We will engage with nature and our actions will help build the resilience, not only of the landscapes, habitat and ecosystems around them but of people with well-being coming from activities that support social cohesion and from people seeing the health benefits of being in green and blue spaces. We are working with the agreement of stakeholder New Dovey Fishery (freeholder of the Dyfi) and with the support of Natural Resources Wales and other leading conservation organisations including the Bumblebee Conservation Trust and the Natural History Musuem.

The Adfer Dyfi projects are funded by the Welsh Government through the Heritage Lottery via Round 3 of the Nature Networks programme.

Can you help?

We need volunteers for bee counts.


The Nature Networks Fund (round three) is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government and in partnership with Natural Resources Wales.

Pictures: Arwel Lewis Photography, H. Mitchell, D. Smith, Natural Resources Wales and Natural History Museum.