
What’s in our river? How many different species does the Dyfi support? We have done some monitoring in the past but will be finding out more by carrying out extra kick-sampling and invertebrate identification.

We have the support of the world-renowned Natural History Museum which has experts and laboratories. Staffed by specialists in molecular biology, the laboratories carry out research on DNA from extraction through to sequence analysis.

Our Nature Networks-funded project is also acting to ensure cleaner water with more fencing and remote-collars to keep livestock out of the river and its tributaries as well as master classes for landowners on healthy soils including the best use of long-root herbs in fields to help absorb rain and for better soil biology.

Can you help?

We need volunteers for bee counts.

E-mail: pennalpartners@aol.com

The Nature Networks Fund (round three) is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government and in partnership with Natural Resources Wales.

Pictures: Arwel Lewis Photography, H. Mitchell, D. Smith, Natural Resources Wales and Natural History Museum.